Psychometric Tests

At SurgeAdvisory, we use Central Test psychometric tests. Based on a multi-criteria approach, the assessments provide you with a complete understanding of an individual’s personality, abilities and motivations by delivering valuable insights into their behaviours and potential.

The assessments focus on personality and behaviour and/or skills and aptitudes. 

Personality and Behaviour

Personality assessments could be an integral part of your recruitment or talent development process.

Central Test offers the following assessments:

Big Five Profile

The Big Five Profile, based on the Five Factor model, identifies an individual’s dominant personality traits. It does so by measuring five dimensions of personality, all of which have a major impact on behaviour. Since these traits remain relatively stable throughout a person’s lifetime, this assessment is suitable for both adults and adolescents.

Professional Profile 2

Professional Profile 2 measures 14 sets of opposing dimensions (e.g. introversion vs. extraversion, flexibility vs. firmness), resulting in an analysis of 28 aspects of personality and motivations.

This test reflects the traits that influence the behaviour and performance of an individual at work.


ETIX evaluates the likelihood of individuals engaging in counterproductive work behaviour. It covers six behaviours relevant to today’s work environment, including discrimination, harassment and lying.

By distinguishing between a person’s attitudes towards themselves an other people, ETIX reveals not only if a person might participate in counterproductive work behaviour, but also if they might enable it in others.


CTPI-R is a work personality assessment that allows to assess personality traits, values and skills specific to the exercise of managerial functions or supervision.

CTPI-R measures 19 personality traits associated with 21 key behavioural competencies. This test is recommended for the recruitment and evaluation of internal managers and executives.

Skills and Aptitudes

Reasoning Test

The Reasoning Test-R measures a candidate’s logical, numerical and verbal reasoning abilities. It helps to improve the reliability of your hiring decision by comparing candidates on the basis of an objective criteria. This test is available in short version (20 minutes).

Business English Test

The Business English Test allows you to objectively assess an individual’s ability to understand and communicate in English, especially in a business setup.

It evaluates your candidate’s knowledge of English on three dimensions: reading, vocabulary, and grammar.

Sales Profile-R

Sales Profile-R identifies the potential, competencies and motivations needed to succeed in sales.

As well as being an indispensable tool for recruitment, Sales Profile-R can be used for training, internal mobility, and sales force audits.


EMOTION measures candidates’ and employees’ ability to understand their own emotions and their capacity to establish harmonious working relationships with others.

The test provides a reliable score for an individual’s interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies by assessing 15 specifc factors related to emotional intelligence.
