A personality for your employer brand

Our understanding of community management has been restricted to managing our relations with our customers on our social media platforms.

Social media platforms generally being used by employers include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We are now seeing an increase in the use of Instagram.

Marketing or HR?

Responding to customer’s enquiries, feedback and complaints are usually the responsibility of the marketing team. It is expected that they manage the social media accounts, publish content, generate trust and build the company’s digital brand. It is also expected that this is done on a daily basis.

Just as it is their responsibility to build the digital brand on social media, it is HR’s responsibility to build the employer brand on social media. HR and marketing work hand-in-hand to manage this.

Social media and the employer brand

Companies post job vacancies on their social media platforms to reach out to larger audiences and potential employees. These are all positive steps in building an employer brand. However, we still come across companies that do not interact or reply to comments and at times, also queries posted on their respective company page on social media.

A one-sided conversation is very likely to lead to a failed employer brand. Social media is a 24/7 thing and keeping a daily check of what is going on in your social accounts is important.  Equally important is to be in touch with your potential candidates – thus avoid their having to wait for a reply for more than 24 hours.

Giving your employer brand a personality

Engaging with potential candidates via your social media platforms will likely contribute to positively increasing the employer brand, whilst providing the prospective candidate with a a better experience and feeling about the company.  It will help generate a genuine feel – transmit a professional personality to your company’s brand.

About the author

Maria Bartolo Zahra is Managing Director and HR Advisor at SurgeAdvisory. She has over fifteen years of human resources and business advisory experience.